Thursday, March 29, 2007

Watch and laugh, but don't let him fool you

Karl Rove managed to turn CSPAN into Comedy Central. Instead of a Chief of Staff, now you have a buffoon, or should I say MCROVE. He is actually busting rhymes in the middle of this video:

Dude, he made Comedy Central feel like CSPAN. What does he want to distract you from now?

Well this is what's going on. First the senate OKs war bill with Iraq timeline. The new bill redefines "the War against terror in Iraq" to "the civil war in Iraq," and requires President Bush to start withdrawing troops by March 31, 2008. This is no laughing matter. This defines world history and the lives of millions of people, who are making bloody sacrifices, both in Iraq and the U.S.

This should come to you as no surprise. The man, who has been called George W. Bush's brain does not have a college degree. He attended the University of Utah, the University of Maryland, George Mason University , and the University of Texas , yet did not manage to graduate. In July 1999, the Washington Post quoted Rove as saying "I lack at this point one math class, which I can take by exam, and my foreign language requirement."

Well, one can argue -- do you need a degree to practice political trickery? May be not, but trickery does catch up to you. Rove is stuck in the middle of two VERY SERIOUS controversies: (1) The outing of a CIA agent opposing the war in Iraq; (2) The firing of eight U.S. Attorneys because of the pace of investigations into local Democrats

Don't allow MCROVE to make a fool out of you.